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Bitcoin Cash Grab Review

Bitcoin Cash Grab Logo

Bitcoin Cash Grab is a refreshed automated trading system scam, which has been promoted on various websites since 2019. Before getting excited about making your millions by investing in Crypto there are a few things you must know about the Bitcoin Cash Grab.

Scam AlertWARNING! The Advert You Read Was Fake!

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Bitcoin Cash Grab Review

A review of Bitcoin Cash Grab is very simple to do, because it is not an actual working trading app. It is actually a “funnel” to connect you with a dubious crypto CFD broker. We have seen numerous websites, with similar names all offering the same product.

But where is the product? How to I log into the software, and setup the trading app? Sadly, the answers to these questions still remain elusive.

A real algorithm trading app is based on some sort of technical indicators which create a trade alert, and then executes a trade on your brokerage account. The problem we has when we followed the link and signed up to the Bitcoin Cash Grab app, is that they directed us immediately to an offshore broker called MDX500.  This is an old trick that online marketers use to connect you with an unregulated broker operating out of Bulgaria or Georgia.

When you find an authentic algorithm trading app, you will be able to configure all aspects of the app, before you deposit money at the broker. Look at the popular trading signals.

Bitcoin Cash Grab Official Review
Bitcoin Cash Grab Official Review

Bitcoin Cash Grab Scam

Why is Bitcoin Cash Grab just another get rich quick scam? Because they are making false claims that you will make profits of thousands of dollars per day, however the truth shows otherwise.

All the testimonials on their website are from fake people, allegedly living in the United States, but the app is not available to US Citizens. Other Bitcoin trading apps that look very similar to this are promoted with fake celebrity testimonials prompting the FCA to issue this this warning.

The first thing we saw when visiting the BCG website, is their false sense of urgency.

“Warning: Due to extremely high media demand, we will close registration as of 21/10/2020 – HURRY 00:00

There is no need to rush when it comes to investing. Today is just as good of a day to invest as tomorrow will be. It is more important to spend another hour learning and studying the markets instead of jumping in head first.

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Warning! Offshore Brokers are Scams!

It is important for every new investor to know, that your money is held at a broker, and if that broker is not licensed, you will never see your money again!

When you learn how this scam operates, read this, you will understand why they would connect you with an unlicensed broker. If you are interested in trading Crypto CFD’s, you can find a list of popular brokers here.

For Algorithm Trading Apps, Look here.

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