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Blazing Trader Review

Blazing Speed Trader Logo

Blazing Trader (AKA Blazing Speed Trader) is an old scam trading software which is supposed to make you very rich by auto trading Forex CFD’s for you. 

The Blazing Trader software was originally released back in September of 2016, but they are still finding new suckers each day. You may be new to investing online with Forex, but you need to know that many trading robots and brokers are scams.

Read about the fraudulent binary option brokers, and familiarize yourself with how the scam works.

WARNING! You will lose money by using Blazing Trader, see why. Smart Investors use a Real Trading Software, listed here.

Blazing Trader 2018 Logo
Blazing Trader Review

Blazing Trader Review

When you see a trading software like Blazing Trader, which promises you a daily profit amount, or a percentage win rate, you can be certain the product is not being honest.The minute we stumbled upon the Blazing Trader website, we saw the false claim they made:


A real automated trading robot / Forex broker, knows that it is against the law, to make fake promises in testimonials. The real results for the software is not $20,000 a day, or anything close to that.

One you have made a deposit and you are allowed to see the actual software, it is nothing more than a broken signals generator. There are no abilities to program the software to automatically trade for you.

Blazing Trader Scam

Blazing Trader Scam Brokers

The problem with Blazing Trader is not necessarily the algorithm they use, or the functionality of their trading software.Our real problem with their product is the brokers they connect with. It is now 2018, and Crypto / Forex trading should only be done at a licensed and regulated broker, see here.

Thousands of people have lost their money with scam brokers who do not allow withdrawals, and are worse than bucket shops. You can read the complaints page to see the problems.

Australia ASIC Warning

“ASIC urges all investors considering trading in Forex to check they are dealing with an entity that holds an Australian financial services licence.”

Were you scammed by a binary options broker, or a bad trading software? Please share your experience in the comment section below.