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Quantum Income Machine Review

Quantum Income Machine

Quantum Income Machine is a re-branded binary options trading software which first showed up back in 2016, and it has now relaunched in February 2017.

We found many problems while reviewing Quantum Income Machine, in our ongoing quest to find the best binary options auto trading software.

Warning! You will lose your money with a scam broker, read why.

Quantum Income Machine Review

A smart investor should notice the same issue we found as soon as we look at the signals that Quantum Money Machine showed us. On their home page, the fake results were from 2014. When we you switch off the auto trading mode, and watch the signals that are generator, you will see that the rates are not accurate.

EUR/USD is currently trading at a rate of $1.07, but the software showed us an old rate of $1.27. This tells us that there are some fundamental problems with the product.

Another issue with the software is that you do not have any ability to control which underlying assets are traded, or what the real historical results were. You should compare the Quantum Income Machine software with a real binary options robot (look here), and then you will know that it is missing many important features.

Quantum Income Machine Trading Software
Quantum Income Machine Trading Software

Quantum Income Machine Scam

We hate when trading system make flashy videos, and say anything under the sun to get you to believe you will be the next millionaire. You need to understand that Julia Burk is an actress, that is not her house, and it is definitely not her Lamborghini.

Quantum Income Machine Video
Quantum Income Machine Video

The reason you will not get rich using this software is because it is connected with a “binary options broker” that is not licensed.

Ask yourself this question…

Where is the login button, and where is the contact information. If you send customer support an email, you will probably not receive a reply. In order to log back into the software, you need to go here: http://quantumincomemachinelive.com/soft2/demo2.php. We don’t know why there is no login button on the home page.

Bad Brokers at Quantum

You are probably a new binary options investor and are not aware that Scam Broker Investigator has already reviewed more than 300 binary options brokers, and found out that 90% of the brokers are fake companies. The few real binary options brokers are licensed and regulated by CySEC, CFTC, ASIC, or FSB, see the list here.

No matter how pretty the brokers website looks, and it doesn’t matter how much the salesman sweet talks you into trusting him, you will lose your money.

There is a lot of fraud among fake broker scams, and you don’t need to believe me, just read some complaints on the binary options forum.

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Australia ASIC Warning

“ASIC urges all investors considering trading, to check they are dealing with an entity that holds an Australian financial services licence.”