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Bitcoin Code Review

Bitcoin Code Logo

The Bitcoin Code trading app, is a fake trading system which went viral a few years. It promises that you will make a lot of money by trading with their system.

Before you become a victim of the classic Crypto Investing Scams, here is what you need to know about the trading app.

Bitcoin Code Review

The first thing to look at when analyzing a trading software, is the website address. If you look at the address bar, you will probably see a weird domain name, with hyphens. There are literally 25 different websites, all claiming to be the real Bitcoin Code, but they are all just a scam! First question is, which version of the software are you using?

After years of trying to fight scammers, Google still has no idea how to prevent these scammer in their search results. In October 2023, the top result for Bitcoin Code on Google is https://thebitcoincode.io/. It is a legit website? No.

A real automated trading software is supposed to be based on technical indicators, and generate trade alerts and place trades on your account.

When we signed up for the software, they simply ask you to deposit money into the brokerage account. There is no ability to see the actual software, how it works, or if there are any settings for it. We can only assume that Bitcoin Code is just a “funnel” to get you to deposit money at some offshore, unlicensed broker.

Real algorithm trading software allow you, the investor, to configure all aspects of the software, before you make a deposit, see here.

The Bitcoin Code Trading Signals Review
One Version of Bitcoin Code

Is the Bitcoin Code Legit?

Not really. The main problem with Bitcoin Code, is that it is exactly like many other scams we have reviewed. It makes false claims that you will see huge profits of thousands per day, however the truth shows otherwise.

Another reason why “The Bitcoin Code” is a total scam, is because they claim a 99.4% level of accuracy. Sadly, there is no such thing as an algorithm software with such stellar results. They display on their website, only 4 Copies Available, but that is not true, because we opened four accounts with them. And they write insane promises of high profits!

“Ride The Wave of bitcoin, And Earn a Guaranteed $13,000 In Exactly 24 Hours”

The goal of the video is to get you to open a trading account at an offshore broker, and for you to deposit money there. This software has been copied many times by scammers around the world.

Get Free trading signals, see here.

Bitcoin Code Review Scam Alert

Warning – The Broker Scam!

It is important for every investor to know, that your money is held at a broker. If that broker is not licensed, you will never see your money again! When you learn how this scam operates, you will understand why they would connect you with an unlicensed broker.

ForTrade is the most popular broker amongst our readers, because of their unique trading platforms. You will find Free Trading Signals, MetaTrader4 and ForTrade is licensed in Europe, Canada and Australia, read more.

Try the Free Demo Account, Signup here.

🚀 Annual Returns0%
⚖ Licensed / RegulatedNo
💎 ReliabilityPoor
💹 Demo AccountNo
📞 Customer ServiceNot Offered
💳 Minimum Deposit$100

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