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Weed Profit System Review

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Weed Profit System is an old investing scam from 2018, which falsely promises naive investors they will make tons of cash.

Before you become the next victim of the Weeds Profit System Scam, take a minute to read in detail about online investment scams.

Weed Profit System Scam

The problem with the Weed Profit System is, that it is no different too Crypto trading scams that we already exposed during the year 2018. They take the latest investing craze, make a video about it, and send emails to millions of people. If you look at the email address of the person who sent you the invite, it probably came from Bitcoin Code or Crypto Genius.

Another reason why “Weed Profit System” is a total scam, is because they claim their software has a 99.7% level of accuracy. If you believe that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

The website was only registered on October 10th 2018, and it went live on December 23rd 2018. If other Get Rich Quick scams are an indication, then this website will also be dead in six months, and you will be receiving spam email from new websites offering a similar product.

See Top Rated Trading Signals!

Weed Profit System Scam

Weed Profit System Reviews

Our investigative reviews of the Weed Profit System show, that this software is actually fake. If you would take the time and compare it with an real automated trading software, then you’ll  understand why there is no possibility to make money with the Weed Profit System.

We also received an email just like you, that directed us to the new website at: https://weedprofitsystem.com/. When we signed up, they directed us to an unlicensed broker called “GlobalTrading26”, and told us to deposit $250. We tried to find a way to login to the software, and we found it at: https://weedprofitsystem.com/app/funds

We tried to look at the software, but again, we were asked to make a deposit. We wanted to see what the historical signals were, and their results, but historical data was also not available to see. Therefore, like the rest of the Crypto systems which proved to be scams, we feel that Weed Profit System is the same.

Did you try a real software? Read this!

Official Weed Profit System Review
Official Weed Profit System Review

Offshore Broker Warning!

It is important for every new investor and trading to know, that your money is going to an offshore broker. Since the company is not regulated or FCA licensed, you will never see your money again! 

Go and see how these types of scams have been running for many years, read this article.

If you want to really invest in Cannabis Stocks or Crypto Currency Contracts for Difference, then you should use a licensed brokers.

Please tell other investors which scam broker Weeds Profit System told you to use. In our case, they sent us to the offshore brokers Interactive-Trading.